Miragen 自動加樣器MAPS-401
4-plate Automated Pipetting System with 1*APM, 1*10.4'net PC and EzStarter? control software. Easy and Convenient to Use. Easy to Afford. Easy to Service. Accurate and Precise.
Specification: 4-plate Automated Pipetting System with 1*APM, 1*10.4'net PC and EzStarter? control software.Easy and Convenient to Use.Easy to Afford.Easy to Service.Accurate and Precise.
Your Dependable PCR/qPCR Setup Partner. Miragen EzMate? 401 is an automated, high-precision pipetting system specifically designed for low-volume PCR/qPCR sample preparation. Lab technicians understand the many challenges associated with setting up PCR and qPCR reactions. Small volumes of reagents need to be dispensed accurately and consistently for acceptable PCR results, and the manual liquid handling process is tedious and time consuming, with many chances for mistakes.
EzMate? 401 was designed as a simple instrument to replace the manual process of PCR/qPCR sample prep. Accuracy, precision and consistency are guaranteed, and reagents will not be wasted on mistakes. Unlike complex, multi-purpose robotic systems, our instrument was designed for the researcher without prior robotics experience. Intuitive set up and programming will have your lab saving time and money almost immediately. Choosing EzMate? 401 is a choice of "Working Smart".
Packing & Price Information
Item No. |
Packing/Item Description |
275-ezar01-00 |
1-channel, 50μl Pipetting Module |
275-ezar02-00 |
8-channel, 50μl Pipetting Module |
275-ezar03-00 |
1-channel, 200μl Pipetting Module |
275-ezar04-00 |
8-channel, 200μl Pipetting Module |
275-ezar10-00 |
REzTip? 50μl,non-sterile,96tips/rack;10racks/pack |
275-ezar11-00 |
EzTip? 200μl,non-sterile,96tips/rack;10racks/pack |
275-ezar14-00 |
EzTip? 50μl, sterile,96tips/rack;10racks/pack |
275-ezar15-00 |
EzTip? 200μl, sterile,96tips/rack;10racks/pack |
275-ezar21-00 |
96 tips rack adapter |
275-ezar22-00 |
Leviated 96-well PCR plate adapter |
品名 |
性能 |
1、人體功效學設計 |
1、優秀的精確性和重復性,通過了EN ISO 8655認證 |
1、 Miragen移液器的每個孔道都有獨立而精確的活塞,保證了每個孔道移液的精確性和準確性。 |
地 址: 上海張江高科技園區畢升路299弄11號502室
郵 編: 201204
固話總機:021-50272975/76/77/78/79/81; 轉6100; 移動總機:013788960651
均可轉6515, 6211, 6212, 6218, 6219, 6220, 6221
服務投訴:021-50272981-6612 或 market6@seebio.cn
網 址: www.seebio.cn
Email:lifesci3@seebio.cn; fyland@seebio.cn
官網:www.baichuan365.com | 微信服務號:iseebio | 微博:seebiobiotech |
商城:mall.seebio.cn | 微信訂閱號:seebiotech | 泉養堂:www.canmedo.com |
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