Continuous Dispensing module CHS1200
The machine is particularly suitable for sheet plastic backing ( Liner Backing) of NC membrane/other materials continuous line gliding ( Line spraying/gold spraying ).With rapid speed and high efficiency, this dispenser is ideal for moderate-quantities line coating on strip membrane. 4 pumps are supported as standard configuration, more pumps are available. Both flat sheets and bending sheets are workable with installed transmission parts. The transmission track is adjustable for any within 12 cm width of sheets. Transmission speed and gliding concentration are adjusted by software.
Technical Specification:
Out put: 800- 1200 cards/ hour
Model: line gliding
Speed: 50-250 mm/second
Line pitch: 3 mm
Line number: 4, more lines available
Dimension: 55x32x25 cm
Weight: 20 kg
Seebio Biotech, Inc.
11-502. Lane 299, Bisheng Rd.
Zhangjiang High Tech Park
Shanghai 201204, P.R.China
Tel: 86-21-50272975, 76, 77, 78, 79, 81,Ext:6513,6515,6516,6520,6521,6522
For customers' complaint or suggestion: 86-21-50272981-6821, 6818
官網 | 微信服務號:iseebio | 微博:seebiobiotech |
商城 | 微信訂閱號:seebiotech | 泉養堂 |
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