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Numerical Control Response Cutter IZQ450

來源:seebio.cn作者:西寶生物人氣:-發表時間:2012-03-26 15:17:22【

IZQ450 is a robust fully automatic guillotine cutter with optical sensor to identify printed.mark,which is the key to get rid of cumulative error.This module is ideal for glucose strips which need precision cut to printed electrode. Cut speed,quantities could be randomly defined via four lines LED keyboard. Lateral Flow,immunobot strips could be cut when the function was turned on.

Technical Specification:

Cut speed: Maximun 400 times/min
Strip widths: 0.2099.99mm
Strip lengths: 1595mm
Strip precision: +0.15mm
Remained widths: 20mm
Module size:42 x 38 x 25 cm
Module weight: 30 kg

Seebio Biotech, Inc.
11-502. Lane 299, Bisheng Rd.
Zhangjiang High Tech Park
Shanghai 201204, P.R.China
Tel: 86-21-50272975, 76, 77, 78, 79, 81,Ext:6513,6515,6516,6520,6521,6522
For customers' complaint or suggestion: 86-21-50272981-6821, 6818
Web: www.seebio.cn

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