Myxochelin A
產品編號 |
產品名稱 |
產品規格 |
AG-CN2-0470-C100 |
Myxochelin A
粘液素A |
100 μg |
AG-CN2-0470-M001 |
Myxochelin A
粘液素A |
1 mg |
[1] Myxochelin A, a new iron-chelating compound from Angiococcus disciformis (Myxobacterales). Production, isolation, physico-chemical and biological properties: B. Kunze, et al.; J. Antibiot. 42, 14 (1989)
[2] Myxochelin A, a cytotoxic antibiotic from the myxobacterium Angiococcus disciformis: J.W. Ahn, et al.; OPEM 2, 64 (2001)
[3] Antioxidative and free radical scavenging activities of Myxochelin A isolated from Angiococcus sp.(Myxobacteria): H.-H. Lee, et al.; Food Sci. Biotech. 11, 184 (2002)
[4] Absolute configuration and antitumor activity of myxochelin A produced by Nonomuraea pusilla TP-A0861: S. Miyanaga, et al.; J. Antibiot. 59, 698 (2006)
[5] Synthesis and evaluation of myxochelin analogues as antimetastatic agents: S. Miyanaga, et al.; Bioorg. Med. Chem. 17, 2724 (2009)
[6] Myxochelins target human 5-lipoxygenase: S. Schieferdecker, et al.; J. Nat. Prod. 78, 335 (2015)
[7] Harnessing enzymatic promiscuity in Myxochelin biosynthesis for the production of 5-Lipoxygenase inhibitors: J. Korp, et al.; Chembiochem. 16, 2445 (2015)
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