西寶生物作為Matreya公司代理商,立足華東, 致力于為國內科研用戶,提供高效、優惠、真誠的服務!
- Synthetic Sphingosines with C18 Sphingoid Base(合成鞘氨醇與十八類鞘氨醇堿)
- Synthetic Sphingosines with Sphingoid Bases other than C18合成鞘氨醇與類鞘氨醇堿比其他
- Synthetic Dihydrosphingosines(二氫鞘氨醇)
- 3-Keto-Dihydrosphingosines (3酮-二氫鞘氨醇)
- Phytosphingosines(植物鞘氨醇)
- Other Sphingosine Derivatives and Precursors(其他鞘氨醇衍生物及其前體)
- Ceramides神經酰胺
- Synthetic Ceramides Derived From C18-Sphingosine(神經酰胺合成的c18-sphingosine
- 2-Hydroxy Ceramides(2 -羥基神經酰胺)
- Dihydroceramides(二氫神經酰胺)
- 2-Hydroxy Dihydroceramides(2 -羥基二氫神經酰胺)
- Ceramides from Natural Sources(神經酰胺從天然來源)
- Phytoceramides(植物神經酰胺)
- Fluorescent Ceramides(熒光神經酰胺)
- Phosphosphingo lipids (鞘氨醇磷脂)
- Sphingomyelins(鞘磷脂)
- Sphingosylphosphorylcholines (SPC)(神經鞘磷脂)
- Sphingosine Phosphates(鞘氨醇磷酸鹽)
- Fluorescent Sphingomyelins(熒光鞘磷脂)
- Glycosphingolipids(糖鞘脂)
- Galactosyl ceramides and Glucosyl ceramides(半乳糖神經酰胺和葡萄糖神經酰胺)
- Lactosylceramides(乳糖基酰基神經酰胺)
- Ceramide Trihexosides(神經酰胺三己糖苷)
- Globosides(紅細胞糖苷脂)
- Labeled Glycolipids(標記糖脂)
- Gangliosides(神經節苷脂)
- Glycosphingolipid Reference Mixes for TLC(鞘糖脂的參考和薄層色譜法)
- Antibodies Directed Against Glycolipids(抗體針對糖脂)
- Enzyme Inhibitors(酶抑制劑)
- Glycerolipids(甘油糖脂)
- Glycerophospholipids..(甘油磷脂)
- Natural Phospholipids(天然磷脂)
- Synthetic Phospholipids(合成磷脂)
- Phosphatidylinositols(磷脂酰肌醇)
- Bacterial Tetraethers(細菌四醚)
- Glycosyl Glycerides(糖基甘油酯)
- Fatty Acids(脂肪酸)
- Simple Fatty Acids(簡單的脂肪酸)
- Saturated Fatty Acids and Methyl Esters(飽和脂肪酸甲酯)
- Unsaturated Fatty Acids and Methyl Esters(不飽和脂肪酸甲酯)
- Trans Fatty Acids and Methyl Esters(反式脂肪酸甲基酯)
- Conjugated Linoleic Acid Isomers (CLA)(共軛亞油酸)
- Other CLA Products and Derivatives(其他共軛亞油酸和衍生物)
- Hydroxy Fatty Acids(羥基脂肪酸)
- 2-Hydroxy Fatty Acids and Methyl Esters(2 -羥基脂肪酸甲酯)
- 3-Hydroxy Fatty Acids and Methyl Esters(3-羥基脂肪酸甲酯)
- Omega Hydroxy Fatty Acids(歐米茄羥基脂肪酸)
- Other Hydroxy Fatty Acids(其他羥基脂肪酸)
- Branched and Cyclic Fatty Acids(分支和循環脂肪酸)
- Iso-Fatty Acids and Esters (iso-脂肪酸和酯)
- Anteiso-Fatty Acids and Esters (anteiso-脂肪酸和酯)
- Methylated Fatty Acids(甲基脂肪酸)
- Cyclopropyl Fatty Acids and Esters(環丙基脂肪酸和酯)
- Unusual Fatty Acids and Derivatives不尋常的脂肪酸及其衍生物
西寶生物科技(上海)股份有限公司 服務熱線:400-021-8158
總機:+86 21 50272975/76/77/78/81
官網: www.seebio.cn
商城: mall.seebio.cn
官網:www.baichuan365.com | 微信服務號:iseebio | 微博:seebiobiotech |
商城:mall.seebio.cn | 微信訂閱號:seebiotech | 泉養堂:www.canmedo.com |
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